Hi folks, today marks the halfway point of our Vocabulary Marathon! I am happy to have people coming along for the run. To be honest, I was afraid no one would be interested. It isn’t an easy challenge, both for you and me. But today, let us celebrate how far we have come!
嗨同學,今天是馬拉松的第十四天,表示已經過了一半了!很高興願意一起跑的朋友,好時說我一開始有疑心,因為對你們和我來說這是一個相當不容易的過程。雖然我有預錄影片,但是我的優化心作祟後,還是修改了一些內容和順序,所以許多影片和內容還是會當天修改,很驚險😨 今天我們一起回顧過去兩周的單字,晚來的同學歡迎參加下半段的馬拉松!
Day 1 - 7:難度偏高的單字
Repercussion (noun): It is usually the unwelcome impact, consequences or echo of an action. 某行為所帶來的不受歡迎的影響、後果或迴聲。
Ordeal (noun): A very difficult, trying, challenging test, painful and uncomfortable. 考驗或難關,通常麻煩且令人感不舒服。
Ad nauseam (adv): Referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying to a disgusting degree. 用來形容動作被重複做到令人討厭、惡心的程度。
Gung-ho (adj): Very enthusiastic, energetic, and eager about a particular thing. 非常熱情,精力充沛,對某件事充滿渴望的。
Oblivious (adj) [ əˋblɪvɪəs ]: Being oblivious means that you forget or ignore something, not being aware, not paying attention. 遺忘意味著你忘記或忽視某件事,沒有意識、注意。(通常有負面意味)
Reminiscent (adj) [ ͵rɛməˋnɪsnt ] 注意重音: Similar, reminding you of a certain memory, awakening something from the past. 類似的,讓你想起某個記憶,喚醒過去的某些東西。(通常是好事)
Demanding (adj): Requiring much skill or effort, asking for more than what is generally enough. 要求高的、難搞得、麻煩的,要求超出平常範圍。(正負面皆可)
如何參加?追蹤巴奈的IG且在每天的小短片:(1) 留言 #單字馬拉松 (2) 標籤一個朋友一起學習單字,就可以囉!
Day 8 - 14: 實用派諺語
Keep up with the Joneses: compare oneself with neighbors/friends, do or buy something to show they have as much money as others. 將自己與鄰居/朋友進行比較,做或買一些東西來表明他們和其他人一樣有錢。
A creature of habit: A person who follows a routine, wants to do the same things in the same way, doesn’t feel the need to try something new, used to the old way. 指一個人擁有固定的習慣,以同樣的東西做同樣的事,沒有想要嘗試的慾望,習慣既往方式(一個慣性動物、墨守成規、極有規律) 。
Get out of my hair: To no longer annoy or bother someone. 不再煩或打擾某人。
Cold feet: Getting cold feet is backing out due to a sudden loss of confidence; feeling frightened of something you had planned. 臨陣退縮、膽怯,突然對之前的決定失去信心。
An axe to grind: o have strong opinion that you want to prove to someone, to act against someone due to previous histories. 因為過結別有用心的去跟某人爭執,動機不單純。
Salt of the earth: to describe a very honest, true and genuine person (or group of people) 相當誠實、真誠、真心的一個人(或一群人)
Chopped liver: (Informal slang) 非正式俗話說。Something or someone unimportant, nobody wants it, it doesn’t look appealing. 沒人想要、不重要的人或物,看起來不吸引人。
Day 15 - 21: 發揚光大基礎單字
第三階段的馬拉松,我們要把簡單的單字給它最多的意思!例如,match 可以是連線、配對、球賽、對手、居然還是火柴!你知道嗎?🤭 快追蹤IG一起擴大單字量吧~
Testimonials 參與者感言
I just used one of the vocabs you taught in my latest writing practice.
感謝大家的回饋!互相交流是學習真正的精隨。馬拉松還有一半,給自己一個學習的機會吧!You got nothing to lose so let’s learn some new words!