90-min livestream! Some of you guys are night owls for sure. In this livestream I took my time sharing personal experience in learning English, from elementary school all the way to college. I threw in a couple of embarrassing episodes I had in class and I’m happy we could all laugh at my pain…
Vocabulary Highlights 精選單字
well-behaved (adj) 聽話的、乖的、行為好的
e.g. I was not a straight A student but I was well-behaved.
*straight A students 指資優生,成績單都是A(90分以上)
mentor (n) 啟蒙師
e.g. I was lucky enough to have Kathy as my first English teacher and she swiftly became my mentor.
get ahead of myself (figure of speech) 指太多遠憂進愁、想太多太遠
e.g. Don't get ahead of yourself. Just take one step at a time.
I’ve been there. 常用來表達「我也是過來人、我也曾經這樣過」
-[ I got scared of speaking English after embarrassing myself in front of my class. ]
-[ Oh yeah, I’ve been there. But then I realized we would all grow up and forget about it. ]
Organic (adj) 有機的(食品),常用來形容陽春、不複雜且自然的過程
e.g. They met at a mutual friend’s dinner party and became a couple. Some say it was an organic encounter because they did not plan for it.
pique my interest 激起、引起興趣
e.g. Harry Potter did not pique my interest when I tried to read it in high school. I was more into mystery novels.
awkward (adj) 尷尬的
e.g. I was an awkward kid in middle school. I didn’t have many friends but two of them became my life-long best friends.
think out loud 指想到就不自覺說出來、將想法意識流式地說出來
e.g. I was thinking out loud but did not realize that someone was behind me. I felt like a fool.
e.g. -[ Who are you speaking to? ] -[No one. I’m just thinking out loud. It helps me focus. ] (這是我先生常做的事,口頭說出計畫能幫助記憶。Do you also do this?)
Invested in something 投資 → 指對某事相當投入且有承諾、無保留
e.g. After watching 5 episodes of the show, I became very invested in the story and finished it in a weekend.
直播尾有人提問氣質的翻譯,但是因為時間不夠所以我拿到這裡跟大家簡單討論,順口提到了一位英國老師 Susie Woo 戴舒萱 這方面的影片,我很同意她的說法也附連結給大家參考。簡而言之,中文氣質的概念通常是對一位女生的讚美,指優雅、美麗、溫柔、看似腹有詩書等等較陰柔的特質(educated, cultured, elegant 等),雖然在我們眼中是讚美,但這些陰柔、順從的特質在女性主義高漲的西方文化看似有些過時,所以對話上不常使用。
She is very well-read. 博學多聞、腹有詩書(發音 /well-red/)
She seems well-traveled. 她看似遊歷甚廣
Smart, bright, sharp, quick-witted ….等等聰明伶俐的例子很多
Got thoughts to share?
在美國開會時,同事真的很常講think out loud!