Bannai's Newsletter
American Diners
Don't overlook this when you travel in the US.
In this letter, you will find...
Diner / Dinner / Brunch 的差別及文化
Future Classes 關於日後課
最新版隨堂筆記 9/2022 連結✨
Diner / Dinner / Brunch
By Bannai
An American diner /呆-nər/ (not to be confused with “dinner” /滴-er/) typically opens around 6 or 7 in the morning, then closes at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. You will find food like breakfast sandwiches with bacon, egg and cheese, various kinds of hash browns, toasts, and eggs. “How do you like your eggs?” It’s better that you search how to answer this question before going into a diner. We must not forget the bottomless coffee. (Pay for your first cup and your refills are free.) You can’t drink it as fast as they can refill your mug.
美式 Diner /呆-nər/(別與 Dinner /滴-er/ 混淆)通常在早上 6 或 7 點左右開始營業,在下午 2 、3 點關門。可以看到早餐三明治(夾培根、雞蛋和起司)、各種薯餅、吐司和蛋。 「你要吃哪種蛋?」這個問題最好在去餐廳之前搜索一下該如何回答。也不能忘記的是喝到飽咖啡(只需付第一杯價錢),許多人喝得沒能像他們倒給你一樣快呢。
Don't get it confused with brunch, which is a combination of breakfast and lunch. Brunch has earned a reputation as an Instagrammable dinning experience where people overpay for avocado toast and mimosas. Mimosas are a typical brunch drink combining orange juice and sparkling wine. (It is a common joke in the US to poke fun at the younger generation who spends a lot of money on pricey brunch. Just search “brunch memes” online and you will see.) Without all the bells and whistles, it is much cheaper to have a meal in a diner than a brunch-style café.
早午餐就是早餐(breakfast)和午餐(lunch)的混合字,性質與Diner不同。它的名聲就是一個美如IG上看到的一樣(如網紅餐廳),吃昂貴的酪梨烤吐司和Mimosa調酒(一種典型的早午餐飲料,含橙汁和氣泡酒)。 美國網上常取笑在早午餐上花很多錢的年輕一代,搜索『早午餐梗圖』就會看到。)沒有花俏東西的diner比咖啡店的早午餐便宜多了。
So if you want a fancy meal, look for cafés or restaurants with a brunch menu, but if a local and affordable mom-and-pop place is what you prefer, look for diners on Google Map when traveling.
All Walks of Life 各行各業的人群
People from all walks of life eat at diners, whether it is a blue collar workers, suit-wearing lawyers or retired grandparents. On Sundays you might find your neighbors, kids in tow, still with bedhead, enjoying a meal at 10 am. It is a friendly neighborhood spot where townies make small talk as if they have seen each other at the same place and same time for years. (In many cases, it’s true.) Speaking of old timers, you most certainly can recognize their old-school interior design, if you have watched a couple of Hollywood movies.
各行各業的人都吃diner,無論是藍領階級的工人、身穿西裝的律師還是退休的阿公阿嬤,星期天早上10點還會看到鄰居後面拖著睡眼惺忪的孩子來吃早餐。 這是一個很有親和力的地方,當地的人喜歡在這閒聊,好像他們多年來都在同個地方且同時間見面一樣,在很多情況下,這是真的。說到老客人,如果你看過幾部好萊塢電影,你肯定能認出他們早餐店的老式室內設計。
American diners offer comfort food that many families can indulge in at a lower price, although they may not always be healthy. These unassuming spots carry the characters of the neighborhood they are in. After reading this, do you think American diners and Taiwanese breakfast shops share similar characteristics? Would you like to go to one?
美國早餐店提供許多家庭以較低價格享用的療癒食物,儘管它們不是很健康。 這些不起眼的地方都帶著當地區域的特色。看完本文,你覺得美國和台灣早餐店有相似的特點嗎? 你會想吃吃看嗎?
關於課表 Future Classes
也許言之過早,但是巴奈已經開始對明年過年回台灣玩做打算。在美國(至少東北角 New England 啦)只要一踏入九月,大家就開始討論秋天冬天的計劃,尤其是聖誕節及新年的假期。
明年初我打算去台灣一趟過年,所以一月二月的課表現在其實相當不確定,必須處理一些 paperwork之後才能敲定時間。到時還是會排一些課程,並且開始招生下一期的團體班。但因為一月希望跟家人花點時間,所以開課的時間可能比較有限,希望大家能見諒 so please bear with me,從2019年搬來美國後就沒回去的我很想家呀。
I also want to take a moment to thank you as a reader. How do you feel about this month's issue? The article is a bit shorter and I imagine it is a little easier to read. It is a learning process for me as well and I hope to bring more values so if you have thoughts, feel free to share! That’s all from me, for now. I’ll see you on Instagram or the next newsletter. 😉