Bannai's Newsletter
Immigrating to the US
On Sunday October 9, I had the chance to sit down with some of you over on Instagram and chat about my personal experience in moving to the US. If you missed it, check out the video and the vocabulary highlights below.
In this letter, you will find...
問題精選 Questions from You
■ 老師為何移民到美國?移民過程如何?拿甚麼簽證?簽證過期馬上離境嗎?面談問題?
■ 移民後工作好找嗎?
■ 在美國做網路工作需要繳稅嗎?
■ 有沒有遇到種族歧視的經驗?害怕槍擊案嗎?
■ 移民後有沒有語言上不習慣的地方?
■ 有人會找你 make small talk 嗎?頻遇?
■ 當地人會不對會不會因為你的英文語法錯誤而不喜歡你?尤其工作上?
如果你在學校系統裡,不管是大學部或是碩士或博班,學校的線上團體、語言、文化交流團不勝枚數,如果是社會人士的話可以多運用LINE或臉書找活動,我之前就是因為這樣找到許多在台北的小社團、藝術音樂等等活動,有很多以語言學習為主,但我偏好以興趣嗜好為主的團體,參加品酒、詩歌、壁畫的活動認識新人。 也可以試著去看看比較多元的環境,例如一些酒吧等社交環境,我私心推薦宜蘭外澳的Pizza酒吧,我Mr. S以前就住那附近,很棒的vibe,在當地交了真正長期的朋友呢。也有人向我提到教會交朋友,如果不排斥的話,可以跟當地機構接觸,大家都很熱情。我之前在台灣有一些朋友透過教會學法文!也有同學留言跟我說練練交友軟體也不錯喔。
■ It comes with time. 隨時間或年紀而得的智慧、習慣等等
I was very uncomfortable with making small talk at first but it came with time.
Patience is a virtue but it comes with age*.*進階用法,隨年紀而來
■ Prevalent (adj) 普遍的、常見的
Working from home is becoming increasingly prevalent.
■ Boutonniere (n) 正式場合(男性)胸口上別的花
Boutonniere is the flower decoration worn on a suit jacket or tuxedo, usually reserved for very special and formal occasions like weddings or proms.
■ Racism (n) 種族歧視
Some people are under the impression that racism is common in the US because of how it is portrayed in the media.
■ Acquaintance (n) 點頭之交
I made several acquaintances at some language exchange programs in Taiwan.
■ Labor shortage (n) 勞工短缺
The problem of inflation and labor shortage in the US go hand in hand*. *息息相關
■ Gun violence (n) 槍擊案件
Gun violence in schools are statistically more prevalent in the US than many countries in the world.
■ Pristine (adj) 完沒無暇、純淨的
If I want to apply for US citizenship in the future, my tax-paying records need to be pristine.
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