我們一起來看 blind 還可以用在什麼狀況,
Be blinded by … 被遮眼了🫣
Amy was blinded by love when she married John. No wonder they are going through a divorce. Amy嫁給John時被愛情蒙了雙眼,難怪現在正要離婚。
Amy was too blind to see that John doesn’t actually love her. Amy瞎了眼沒看出來其實John根本不愛她。
He was blinded by the job title and high pay. 他被這個工作的頭銜和高薪遮眼啦!
⚠️注意:如果後面沒有加上 by …,很有可能會產生誤會變成「戳瞎」!👇🏼 閱讀到文末一起來比較意思!
Do something blindly 盲目地、無目的地
Some people choose their jobs blindly but end up finding a new passion. 有些人盲目地選工作,卻不經意地找到新的熱忱。
She stares blindly into the distance. 她空泛無目的地盯著往處看。(有陰森森的感覺😨)
The scared mice ran blindly all over the basement. 被驚嚇的老鼠盲目在地下室亂衝。
Blinding light 令人眩目的光
Would you please close the window for me? The sun is very blinding. 麻煩你幫我關窗戶好嗎?陽光很刺眼。
The neon light on the streets on Hong Kong is blinding. It feels like you are walking into the future. 香港街的霓虹燈很炫目刺眼,好像走到未來一樣。
注意這裡的 blinding 是當一般形容詞 (adj) 用喔!
Blinds 百葉窗式的窗簾
You better pull the blinds in your bedroom. 你最好把房間的窗簾拉起來。
My mother wanted a custom-made blinds made from bamboo. 我媽媽想要訂製一個由竹子做的百葉窗。
跟 curtains 有什麼差別?我就知道你會問 😎 通常 blinds 是百葉窗式,一片一片的造型,上下拉。curtains 偏向布料、左右拉的設計!
Blindfold vs. Blind
拿一塊布矇這眼睛應該是哪個字呢?沒錯,blindfold 喔!為什麼不是 The woman is blinded. The restaurant blinds their diners. ?在這裡會變成他們被「戳瞎」 😱 這誤會可大了!
The woman is blindfolded. 她被(某東西)蒙住眼睛
This 3-star Michelin restaurant blindfold their diners to enjoy their meals. 這間米其林三星的餐廳會將客人矇眼享受餐點。
講到米其林餐廳,我有一部電影推給大家 The Menu 2022(五星饗魘)。看名字可能會以為是恐怖片,但其實她是個「黑色幽默喜劇 dark comedy」,一些血腥的畫面背後其實是要嘲笑高級餐廳的飲食經驗,故事發展越後面越諷刺,我跟S在電影院看到觀眾都噗哧笑出來呢!
你會不會覺得有些高級餐飲的過程有點「扯」呢?If yes, I think you would enjoy the movie!