連續三十天每天一個單字和例句是不簡單的一件事,一路跑的學員可以喘口氣慢慢消化過去一個月的心得。想當初在做準備的時候真的蠻天真的,但是只要努力過,就算做得不好也是加分,不管是日益增減的熱忱還是挫折,都是一個過程!下面這一段老羅斯福總統(Theodore Roosevelt)的話送給勇於嘗試的你:
“It is not the critic who counts; (…) The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; (…) if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” - Roosevelt, Theodore, Citizen in a Republic, April 23 1910 in Paris.
Repercussion (n)
Ordeal (n)
ad nauseam (adv)
Gung-ho (adj)
Oblivious (adj)
Reminiscent (adj)
Demanding (adj)
Keeping up with the Joneses (idiom)
A creature of habit (idiom)
Get out of your hair (idiom)
Cold feet (idiom)
An axe to grind (idiom)
Salt of the earth (idiom)
Chopped liver (idiom)
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Bar 不同用法
Flight 不同用法
Blow 不同用法
Hold 不同用法
Minute 一字多音
Wind 一字多音
Lead 一字多音
Live 一字多音
Produce 一字多音
Tear 一字多音
Address 一字多音
Desert 一字多音
Content 一字多音
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