Funny bone
Ouch! I just hit my funny bone on the table. 手肘那條筋撞到桌子了😩
He fell and landed on his funny bone. His face twisted and stayed on the ground for a minute! 他摔倒並跌落在手肘那條筋上,整臉扭曲在地上滾了一分鐘!
Paper cut
被紙割到的這種割傷,一種隱隱作痛的感覺 😳 !
Be careful with the new book. The pages are sharp and just gave me a paper cut. 小心那本新書,紙張很銳利剛剛割到我了。
💡換句話說:也可以把cut當動詞用,I cut myself with paper.
被碎片戳到肉裡的痛,尤其是免洗筷上面的木屑,You know what I’m talking about!
Please wear shoes on the deck. The floor is old and may give you splinters. 在陽台請穿鞋子,地板很老舊可能會被木屑戳到腳喔!
Watch out when you use disposable chopsticks. I got a bad splinter one time. 用免洗筷要小心,有一次我就被木屑戳到了💩。
Stub my toe
腳趾撞到家具這種痛,我深深相信平常不會說髒話的人都會因為 stubbing your toe 而開粗口 🤣
When Eric stubbed his toe on the corner of the couch, he couldn’t help but cussed up a storm. 艾瑞克腳趾頭撞到沙發腳時他忍不住咒罵。
cuss up a storm (slang) 俗語的大暴粗口、亂罵一通。
Charley horse
(半夜突然)腳抽筋 💀 不覺得名字挺奇怪的嗎?名字起源傳說跟1880s年代美國職棒有關係,球員把嚴重腳抽筋比喻為一頭名為Charley的跛馬🐴。
I got a horrible Charley horse last night and I couldn’t fall back asleep. 昨晚嚴重腳抽筋,而且睡不下去了。
一般抽筋可以說 a cramp:I got a cramp in my leg. My leg is cramping up.
找錯字 😅