Holiday vs. Vacation
美式英文裡有兩種用法,分別為 holiday(國定假日)及 vacation(假期),英式英文有些不同比較少用 vacation。本篇文用法偏向美式喔!
In the US, the Fourth of July is a national holiday (Federal holiday). 在美國,七月四號是(全國)國定假日。
In some states in the US, Juneteenth is not a holiday. 在美國一些州,六月節不是國定假日(指當地州政府不給放假)。
🔥Jack is on vacation in Tahiti. 在大溪地度假中
🔥My family always go on a vacation to Japan in winter. 冬天去日本度假
🔥August is a vacation month in Europe so business is usually slow. 八月是歐洲的度假月,商業(生意)一般來說很慢。
💡 週末算是 holiday 還是 vacation?都不是,一般週末就是 weekend,連假是 long weekend。e.g. This Moon Festival is not a long weekend. 今年中秋沒有連假。e.g. Thanksgiving is always a 4-day long weekend. 感恩節一直都是四天連假。
Have … off 公司/政府有給假
有些日子雖然特殊但是公司或政府不一定給假,這時就可以用片語 🔥We have…off 或 The company/government gives…off。
例句延伸:In some states in the US, Juneteenth is not a holiday so they do not have it off.
冷知識:Do people in Hong Kong have the Moon Festival off? -[Actually, they do not have the Moon Festival off, but they have the next day off.] 香港中秋節有放假嗎?其實他們中秋節當天不放假,但是隔天有放假。(謝謝上課跟我分享的同學😇)
Our school has two months off during summer. 我們學校夏天放兩個月的假。
Taiwanese government does not give days off for long weekends this year, so we didn’t have this Monday off. 台灣政府今年不為了連假給(彈性)假,所以本週一我們沒放假。
💡邏輯:have…off 是有假,要做什麼事是你自己是決定,所以不一定會用 vacation 表達放假。例如我可以說:I had 4 days off for the Moon Festival but I just vegged out at home. (我中秋放四天的假但我都在家耍廢)。我也可以說:I had 4 days off for the Moon Festival and decided to go on a vacation in HK.(中秋放四天所以我決定去香港度假)。
Take a leave / Take a day off (from work) 自己主動請假
I had to take a sick leave last week because I got a fever. 請病假
🔥I had to call in sick last week because I got a fever. 意思基本同上,但通常為當天或臨時由電話或email通知。如果是事前預約好看醫生會直接說 take a leave for a doctor’s appointment。
Amy took a maternity leave for 5 weeks and now she is back. 請育嬰假
Eric has 12 weeks of paternity leave but he decides to take 6 weeks. 有十二週的育嬰假,但是只決定用了六週
媽媽的育嬰假叫做 maternity leave,爸爸的稱為 paternity leave。
🔥He wants to take a day off on Friday to drive to see his parents. 他想週五請假開車去看他父母
🔥Don’t be silly! I’m not gonna take a week off to go to Disney! -[Why not? Just think of it as a vacation!] 別傻了我才不會請一週的假去迪士尼呢!為何不?把它當成假期啊!