Teacher Bannai 巴奈老師
Talk Beauty
十歲小女生湧入 Sephora 🌹Talk Beauty

十歲小女生湧入 Sephora 🌹Talk Beauty

【特報】導讀+思考:美國社群上的一個爭議 ☊ 有音檔

Viral,來自 virus 病毒一字,指一夜網路爆紅的,如網路趨勢、挑戰、時尚、美妝或人物等。

今天的特報巴奈決定用 Podcast 的形式呈現,引用並導讀這篇 The Teen Magazine 的文章 ,以它作為基礎邀請大家思考這個現象。

✏️ 文章難度中級,579字。As usual, 單字解釋在註腳!

前言 Preface

喜歡美妝的你想必一定認識 Sephora,法國集團 LVMH 旗下的 high-end beauty retailer1。近期社群上掀起一股多層面的爭議,一方面是年紀約十到十三歲的女生在Sephora購買熟齡保養品,常被點名的品牌為 Drunk Elephant、Glow Recipe等,另一方面是消費者及業者紛紛抱怨年輕人在店裡無禮的行為,例如濫用試用品、一群人擋走道、大聲喧嘩等。這點不禁讓我想起台灣的博愛座爭議,是否能相提並論呢?另一方面是被點名的產品許多是針對熟齡或問題肌膚,許多網紅和專家指出此現象傷害皮膚的可能性。

年輕人愛美有錯嗎?店家是否有責任?社群上的網美或博主呢?Let’s talk about it.

Tiktok's Viral "10-Year-Olds at Sephora" Controversy Explained

以下摘自 The Teen Magazine 的文章

看到【…】表示是 podcast 裡面有念到的段落

TikTok has a new trend and it isn't what you’d think: With ten-year-olds and tweens2 flooding their nearest Sephora, adult skincare and beauty enthusiasts and experts are coming out with their experiences and concerns with the growing interest these kids have within skincare and beauty. At the forefront of3 this trend are discussions on the surprising surge of 10-year-old girls purchasing beauty products typically targeted at older audiences, including brands like Drunk Elephant from Sephora.

Delving into the phenomenon of pre-teens and teenagers embracing the beauty industry, this discourse aims to unravel4 the implications5 this trend holds for our society.

The Situation

【In an unexpected twist, Sephora stores are experiencing an influx6 of ten-year-olds (and young kids in general), sparking a controversial conversation among older teens and adults.】

What's the reason behind this unexpected trend, and why is it raising eyebrows in the beauty community?

Last Christmas, skincare products took top priority on many of the wish lists of young tweens and kids, as reported by NPR. While the desire to explore beauty routines is a natural part of growing up, the alarming7 aspect is the amount of money being spent by kids on products that may be unnecessary and potentially harmful.

Influencers like Stephanie Chen and Patrick Starr have both provided their perspectives on the situation in unique ways on the TikTok platform with Stephanie creating a video with her perspective and analysis on what can be done and Patrick recreating the uncanny8 experience of meeting and interacting with these 10-year-olds.

What are kids buying?

Enter the world of premium beauty brands like Drunk Elephant, Glow Recipe, and others better suited for older people. 【These brands are known for their high-end, potent9 formulations, often packed with10 harsh active ingredients such as retinol and chemical exfoliants】 (like AHA and BHA– looking at you Glow Recipe AHA/BHA toner).

【The concern here is twofold11: not only are these products becoming less accessible12 for adults with genuine skin concerns, but there's also the risk of young children using these products incorrectly and causing irreversible13 damage to their skin.】

Still, why do people care so much?

It's crucial to recognize that the misuse of these harsh14 ingredients can result in more harm than good, especially on young and developing skin. 【There is also the mere fact that some kids don’t necessarily practice proper etiquette15 in shops.】 Displayed behavior such as overusing or destroying makeup samples, several anecdotes16 of adults facing rude behavior from children and their overall strand and uncanny nature of seeing a 10-year-old searching for the same concealer shade and exfoliant cleanser as say a 27-year-old woman.

The question that arises is: Why are kids gravitating towards these products in the first place?

Several plausible explanations exist, each rooted in valid grounds17. The influence of social media on consumerism18 has played a significant role, with beauty standards and trends easily accessible to everyone–children and teens included. Additionally, the modern culture's fear of aging and the pressure to constantly look good, fueled by viral19 moments and filters on social platforms, may be contributing to this early interest in skincare.

As beauty enthusiasts, it becomes imperative to address these trends responsibly. Education on proper skincare routines, age-appropriate products, and the potential consequences of using powerful formulations at a young age can help guide these budding beauty enthusiasts towards healthier choices.】 Let's navigate this phenomenon with awareness20 and ensure that our younger generation embraces beauty in a way that enhances their well-being21 rather than putting it at risk.

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Podcast 中沒有提到的:社群、廣告、標籤


Jan 19 2024 on instagram

Thank you to those who shared ideas with me ❤️

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retailer (n) 零售業者


tween (n) 約10-13 歲小孩,也稱 pre-teen


at the forefront 前端、前線、第一線


unravel (v) 解開、拆散、揭曉


implication (n) 意義、弦外之音


influx (n) 大量湧入


alarming (adj) 令人擔憂的


uncanny (adj) 不自然、怪樣的、怪誕的


potent (adj) 強烈濃縮的


be packed with (ph) 充滿著


twofold (adj) 雙重的


accessible (adj) 好取得的(此指平價的)


irreversible (adj) 不可逆轉、恢復的


harsh (adj) 強烈刺激的


etiquette (n) 禮節


anecdote (n) 軼事


valid grounds (n) 慣用詞,有效且正當的理由或基礎


consumerism (n) 消費主義


viral (adj) 正當火紅、一夜爆紅的


awareness (n) 意識


well-being (n) (身心靈)健康

Teacher Bannai 巴奈老師
Talk Beauty
Your go-to bestie for beauty tips, news and ESL questions.
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巴奈老師 Teacher Bannai