如果你有追蹤 Instagram,以下三個範例你應該不陌生,希望你還記得答案:
我的腰痛?My waist hurts. vs. My lower back hurts.
好廚師?My mom is a good cook. vs. My mom is a good cooker.
介系詞?I prefer Tesla to Nissan. vs. I prefer Tesla than Nissan.
在社群上分享的題目都是家教上課出現的問題,通常是多年常見的錯誤,部分社群答錯的學生會氣餒,You don’t have to be so sad. There are reasons why I share them on social media - they are very tricky questions! 不斷地接觸並學習才會有進展喔!
Waist ≠ Lower Back
「waist」是腰圍的意思,通長使用在尺寸大小時會用到,一般說的腰痛應該是lower back 下背部喔!
The phrase “A4 腰“ is a Taiwanese Gen Z1 slang to describe a tiny waist.
High-waisted pants made a come back2.
The waves were waist high. (浪的高度大概在腰部)
Bend at your waist then lift the bar to your waist. (從腰部彎下去然後將鐵棒舉到腰圍處)
Upper back 上背、mid-back 中背部、lower back 下背部:She hurt her lower back when picking up a heavy box.
Cooker 是廚具不是廚師
這個例子是我小學時我美國的叔叔對話學到的,當時四年級的我很殷勤地想要跟他練習英文,在餐廳吃飯時說廚師是 cooker,他仰天大笑兩聲(聖誕老公公那種渾厚的聲音😆)之後,跟我解釋 cook 和 cooker 的差別。
cook 是一般廚師,不是每個「師」都加 -er
cooker 是廚具,尤其小家電例如 rice cooker 電鍋、pressure cooker 壓力鍋
補充:chef 主廚,法文外來語,發音為 /shef/
Prefer A to B 不是比較級
I prefer A to B. = I prefer A over B.
雖然 prefer 感覺是比較意味,但在文法上不是比較級,必須注意動詞本身應該接的介系詞。沒錯,只能多注意背起來!
I prefer Tesla to Nissan. (介系詞 to)
I prefer Tesla over Nissan. (介系詞 over)
補充:也可換句話說 I would rather A than B.
I would rather have a Tesla car rather than a Nissan car.
I would rather stay home than go out.
注意 would rather … than … 要接原形動詞,如上述的 stay、have 和 go
YouTube 本週六直播 21:00-22:00 台灣時間
Gen Z (generation Z) generally refers to those who were born between 1997 - 2012
make a come back 復出、重新流行、復甦