1/ Spice, Spices, Spicy
Spice /spais/ 香料,單數名詞
e.g. Rosemary1 is a kind of spice.
Spices /ˈspaisəz/ 香料,複數名詞
e.g. Cajun2 is a blend of multiple spices.
Spicy /'spaɪsi/ 辛辣的,形容詞。尾音注意!
e.g. Some people find Cajun to be spicy, not me.
補充:salad dressing 是沙拉醬,to dress a salad 是加上沙拉醬,那seasoning是甚麼呢?
2/ Decide vs. Design
Decide(s) - decided - decided (v) 決定,動詞
e.g. She decided to move to a different city.
★ 注意中間是S音。過去式的尾音ed要清晰 decided /dɪˈsaɪdəd/
Decision (n) 決定,名詞
e.g. Mary makes the final decision in the office.
★ 注意發音 /dɪˈsɪʒən/ 或 /dəˈsiZHən/ 皆可
Design 設計,動詞或名詞 /dɪˈzaɪn/
e.g. Her design is better than mine.
★ 注意中間是Z的咬字,非S
自行練習:precision (n) 精確度該如何發音?
3/ World vs. War
world, word, work 中間都念成-er-
war 嘴巴如含滷蛋,聲音較深厚
直播時間每周固定台灣時間 22:30,如有意外會在Instagram上即時公布。也可以在巴奈IG頁面開啟小鈴鐺提醒,就不會錯過囉!
Rosemary (n) 迷迭香
Cajun (n) 卡津,一種調和香料