Although it can definitely happen, 其他場合或人際關係之間反而不一定如此,
Let’s learn to trust ourselves, trust others and trust the process.
✏️文末 footnote 有單字翻譯
Confidence comes from trust
Oftentimes we are told to build confidence because it is a vital characteristic1 of a successful person. While it can be true, confidence comes from trust. How much do you trust yourself? How much do you trust others?
Trust that you can handle the situation
你相信自己的應對能力和臨場反應嗎?不小心說錯話的時候,丟臉害羞是難免的內在情緒波動,但習慣的乾笑(awkward laughing)、怯場或放棄是我們能夠學習控制的外在反應。
🗣️ 情境(一)Sorry 不當口頭禪
*At dinner with friends*
A: You know the movie SAW(奪魂鋸)?
B: No…hmm…I don’t… umm…*awkward laughing*. Sorry, I don’t know. *awkward laughing again*
💡 暫停一下並深呼吸,打破你的既有的乾笑或道歉習慣,沒聽過某部電影不是你的錯,因為大家的文化背景都不同。思考幾秒鐘後,冷靜回答:「No, not really. What movie is that?」
Trust that people are (usually) reasonable
好吧也許我太天真,但我相信人性本善,很多人有同理心,但你不說別人怎麼會知道呢?試著將自己的立場明確表達,例如為什麼不知道某資訊、不想回答某問題或為何搞錯時間等等,闡述思考過程(thought process)是建立共同信任(mutual trust)的一部分,過程中慢慢發現原來你是可以被理解的。在被認可之前,你必須踏出的一步就是相信對方是個合理的成人,且你是有能力解釋自己的。
🗣️ 情境(二)我太幼稚嗎?
*In the office with coworkers*
A: What kind of movies or series do you like to watch?
B: Hmm…nothing special. (I don’t want to tell him that I like Japanese anime(日本動漫). I am afraid that he will think I am like a kid. Americans don’t know anime, right?)
💡 心裡劇場可能是你最大的敵人,避免預設對方立場,以發掘和好奇的角度開啟對話,試著說「I’m actually an anime person. Netflix has some great Japanese series like “Attack on Titan” (進擊的巨人)and “Demon Slayer”(鬼滅之刃). Do you know any of them?」這時你會發現對話的箭頭轉到對方了!
🗣️ 情境(三)我不想透露某訊息
*At a party with acquaintances2*
A: How about you? Are you the marrying type3?
B: Umm…I don’t know. (This is TOO private and I hate it when people ask me about marriage. What should I do? I feel so uncomfortable. I don’t want to share anything. But they might think I am lame4 if I don’t share!)
a) I’m not sure. I never know how to answer this question because I am not sure where I stand5. You? 轉移箭頭
b) In fact I’m not even sure about the meaning of “the marrying type“. I heard that the divorce rate in the US is super high. Isn’t it interesting? 轉移話題
c) If I’m married to my job6, does it count? 開個玩笑
Trust the process
比起「go with the flow 順其自然」我個人更喜歡「Trust the process 相信過程」的概念,Trust the process 涵蓋了不斷嘗試的實驗精神,學習的動力不該是因為覺得自己爛或跟別人比較,而是對自己能力的好奇:How much can I progress? I wonder what will happen if I try something new? I want to know how well I can do this.
💡 信任需要時間一點一滴向自己證明,當你學會信任自己就是建立自信的第一步!
八月團班招生中 Final week!
快在 8/6 開課之前跟巴奈報名,諮詢課程直接聯絡巴奈,歡迎五分鐘免費一對一通話喔!📞
characteristic (n) 個人特質
acquaintance (n) 點頭之交
the marrying type 會結婚的人、相信婚姻的人
lame (adj) (口語)差勁、糟糕
stand (v) 站力某立場
be married to one’s job (expression) 「嫁給我的工作」是偏負面的過度投入工作而沒自己的生活,在本篇文有開玩笑、自嘲的幽默意味