成人之間對話如果一直擔心對方會被冒犯或不喜歡你,可能是心魔作祟了!大家都是獨立個體,意見、經驗不同不是常態嗎?圓潤的溝通技巧是尊重別人和自己的意見,站住腳,別牆頭草。You don’t always have to explicitly1 express agreement or disagreement.
Wow, she is so different from me.
I wonder why he said that. Perhaps I can ask.
What made him say that? Let me ask.
I’m glad to discover a different side of the story2.
I don’t have to change my mind, neither does he.
When he disagrees with me, it doesn’t mean he hates me.
Disagreement is not a personal attack3.
I am allowed to have my opinions, so does he.
We are still friends despite4 our differences.
I can laugh about our differences.
“I have never had a dog before. What is it like to5 have a dog?”
Ice hockey isn’t a popular sport in Taiwan because it’s not that cold. How did you get into it6?
I’m probably asking a silly question because I know nothing about it so, what is “football” and what is “soccer”? (坦白表達懵懂無知是尊重,裝懂或打發反而容易被看穿)
So everyone here has tried skiing before? What would you recommend a beginner to do? Maybe I can give it a try one day. (清楚表達立場和問題)
Hold on… you all are going 90 miles per hour7! Someone please tell me why Taylor Swift is so popular. I have been living under a rock8.
希望這些句子能漸漸讓你學習搭建溝通的橋樑,實體練習最有效,沒有機會的話可以自己創造,哪怕是邊洗澡邊腦袋演練八點檔!有練就是有分 ✌🏼
explicitly (adv) 明確地、直率地
a side of a story 故事、事情的一方面
personal attack 人身攻擊
despite 儘管
what is it like to …? 做這件事是什麼感覺?什麼樣子?
get into something 開始某興趣、進入狀況
go 90 miles per hour 每小時九十哩,一種誇飾法指對話來往太快跟不上
live under a rock 住在石頭下,指與世隔絕、沒跟上潮流(此文章例句有自嘲意味)