read the room 察顏觀色 🧐
e.g. She is good at reading the room. You can trust her in important meetings.
read between the lines 懂得讀弦外之音
e.g. If you read between the lines, you can realize that she actually doesn’t want to go.
You gotta1 read between the lines when it comes to Japanese people, yes it not always yes.
perceptive (adj) 觀察入微的
想到 perceive (v) 感知、意會這個字
e.g. My mom is a perceptive person. 有點像是中文講的我媽媽「很會看人」
observant (adj) 善於觀察的,類似 (3)
想到動詞 observe (v) 觀察一字
e.g. Being only 5 years old, the girl is incredibly observant.
e.g. The rookie2 may be quiet but he is very observant and learns fast.
注意:不是 observatory (n) 天文台這個字喔!我自己以前就用錯過 😂
影集推薦《Tokyo Vice》
近期愛上了一部HBO原創影集《Tokyo Vice》(東京之惡),2022釋出第一季後最近出了第二季,也大獲好評。
基於一位美國記者在日本90年代新聞業的故事,以及黑幫(Yakuza)的交集。部分內容為真實事件,對於社會黑暗面的描繪讓我大開眼界,也看到好多很熟悉的文化衝擊。有同學表示在東京生活這麼久都沒有看過這種事,我想這也是東京黑幫的特質,You don’t see it but everything is happening right under your nose3!
“Jake Adelstein, an American journalist, plugs into the Tokyo Vice police squad and descends into the neon underbelly of Tokyo.” (Google)
🎉團課招生中🎉 年假完了收心上英文課吧!
gotta = have got to 的口說縮寫,指必須
rookie (slang) 新手、菜鳥
under one’s nose 「在鼻子之下」表示近在眼前卻沒有發現、看不到的事情