生活中的工作本質就是產出,所以社會被效率(efficiency)、效果(effect)、產率(productivity)這些字牽著鼻子走,漸漸地價值觀也被改變,We have become a business-oriented society, instead of a human-oriented one. 但是在不同人生階段跑步的速度應該是不同的,對吧?46歲的媽媽、35歲的鋼琴家、50歲的農夫、22歲的企業家,這些不同的角色,是不是步調也不同呢?適時地認可自己當前的成就,進而調整步伐才是成功的關鍵,沒有人能永遠用衝刺的速度過生活的。
Pace (n) (v) 這子本身是「步伐」的意思,有動詞和名詞的用法。延伸用法即是「步調」。
As an exercise, you can walk at a brisk pace. 輕快且快速的步伐 (n)
John looks nervous and is pacing back and forth. 前後躊躇 (v) ,常用來比喻猶豫不決
The pace of the movie is slow at first, but then it picks up1 in the middle. 電影的速度節奏很慢 (n)
At my pace 以自己的節奏(做事)
fast paced & slow paced 快、慢節奏的,形容詞
rate 速率也可以拿來解釋步調
I can’t keep spending money at this rate. I will go broke6 by the end of the year!
🔥進階用法🔥 on my own terms 按照我自己的條件(時間、節奏、做法)
She likes to do things on her own terms. Nobody can make her.
I will eventually quit my job, but I’d like to do it on my own terms.
If you don’t let children learn and make mistakes on their own terms, they won’t be able to develop a strong sense of self7.
(pace) pick up 俗話說的腳步加快,想像「腳抬高」
be rushed (pp) 被催趕
approach (v) 上前靠近
action movies (ph) 動作片
exhilarating (adj) 進階單字,令人振奮爽快的
go broke (ph) 俗話的破產
a (strong) sense of self (強壯的)自我意識
Thanks for sharing and the typo I found as below:
face paced ->fast paced